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Spring Break
STEAM 2024
Register Now!
Calling all science fans, nerds, geeks, gamers, crafters, hackers, makers, inventors, artists, achievers, & dreamers!
ScI is gearing up for its 11th year of innovative spring break workshops developed exclusively for creative & motivated tweens and teens, ages 10+.
Each day is filled with STEAM based projects, movies games, food, friends, & fun!
This year we there will be an emphasis on design engineering. Students will be tasked with designing, building, testing and improving on a set of engineering challenges based on the national STEAM initiative. They will need to apply their creativity in a collaborative hands on environment.
Schedule: M-F 9AM-4PM
March 18 - 22, 2024
Tuition is $400
(Limited space available)
Tuition includes all materials, lab fees, and registration. Bring a lunch. Snacks are welcome; water is always available. We have a kitchenette to chill or warm food as necessary.
Honoraries include
Wright Brothers
Nicola Tesla
Dr. May Jemison
Rosalind Franklin
R/C Ball
Nerdtopia II
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